Slay Blessed Collection Photo Shoot

We had so much fun doing this shoot! I want to thank my beautiful daughter Kori for her style and for doing our makeup! Photo shoot credit by Mr. Jayland.

Grateful Child

Grateful Child

by Michele L Benson

Scripture Reading

“And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Luke 2:10-11, 14 KJV

As we celebrate this Christmas Season, I do have one question to ask you “Are you grateful for the gift that God has given?” He sent his only Son Jesus into the world to save us. We as Parents and Grandparents try our best to give our children the best, (deserving or not) we buy them gifts. We will stop at nothing thing to make sure they have, even if it means saving, working long hours, maxing out our credit cards, getting loans, going debt and etc.…
And for your child to get mad and upset and don’t show any appreciation for the gifts we have bought them it would be a shame before God for them to show that type of behavior. I believe that we would be pretty angry at the fact they didn’t appreciate the hard work or the sacrifice we’ve made for them in getting those gifts. In saying that, let me share with you the reason why we should be a GRATEFUL CHILD; God paid a massive debt by giving his Son to die for our sins. Jesus Was born to die for all mankind.
It is sad to say that half the time we are not grateful for Gods gift his Son. What I mean by not being thankful is that we don’t accept Jesus Christ into our hearts as our Lord and Savior, He is our gift of life. We say that we claim Jesus but never tell others of his goodness less known the good news of the gospel. Jesus is a gift to be shared. Imagine how God and Jesus both feel about us not appreciating the fact that he gave his life for us to be free. Jesus came to earth and dedicated his whole life for the purpose of redeeming us back to the Father. I am grateful that Jesus was born.

I am grateful that Jesus took my place on Calvary’s Cross. Let’s not let it be all about receiving presents but about accepting the presence of Gods Son. Without Christ coming into this world and dying on the Cross, it wouldn’t be no Christmas. As his creation, we have to do better by showing our gratitude for all that he has done for us. Don’t take for granted that God gave his Son and his Son gave his life, and they both gave us the gift of power the Holy Spirit. This is the time we celebrate our present from God, his Son baby Jesus. When you open up your gifts on Christmas morning, say a quick prayer showing gratitude towards the real reason for the season. Show the world how grateful you are for Gods gift to the world.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for sending your Son to die for my sins. Jesus, thank you for dying for my sins. Thank Heavenly Father for all that you have done for my family and me throughout this year. Lord, I am your Child, and I am grateful! Amen and Thank God.